2023-04-23 08:52:08 来源:互联网
1、American Pie Don McleanA long, long time agoI can still remember How that music used to make me smileAnd I knew if I had my chance That I could make those people dance And, maybe, they’d be happy for a while. But February made me shiverWith every paper I’d deliver. Bad news on the doorstepI couldn’t take one more step. I can’t remember if I criedWhen I read about his widowed bride but something touched me deep inside the day the music died. So bye-bye, miss American pie.Drove my Chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dry.And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye Singing, this’ll be the day that I diethis’ll be the day that I die this’llDid you write the book of loveAnd do you have faith in God above if the Bible tells you so?Do you believe in rock n roll, Can music save your mortal souland can you teach me how to dance real slowly? Well, I know that you’re in love with him`cause I saw you dancing in the gymYou both kicked off your shoesMan, I dig those rhythm and bluesI was a lonely teenage bronzing buckWith a pink carnation and a pickup truckBut I knew I was out of luck The day the music diedI started singing Bye-bye, miss American pieDrove my Chevy to the levee, But the levee was dryThem good old boys were drink in whiskey and rye And singing, this’ll be the day that I die This’ll be the day that I die this’llNow for ten years we’ve been on our ownAnd moss grows fat on a Rollin stoneBut that’s not how it used to beWhen the jester sang for the king and queenIn a coat he borrowed from James deanAnd a voice that came from you and meOh, and while the king was looking down , The jester stole his thorny crownThe courtroom was adjourned No verdict was returned. And while Lennon read a book of Marx The quartet practiced in the park And we sang dirges in the darkThe day the music diedWe were singing Bye-bye, miss American pieDrove my Chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dry Them good old boys were drink in whiskey and rye And singing, this’ll be the day that I dieThis’ll be the day that I die this’ll Helter swelter in a summer swelter The birds flew off with a fallout shelter Eight miles high and falling fastIt landed foul on the grass The players tried for a forward passWith the jester on the sidelines in a cast.. Now the half-time air was sweet perfume While the sergeants played a marching tune We all got up to danceOh, but we never got the chance!`cause the players tried to take the fieldThe marching band refused to yieldDo you recall what was revealedThe day the music diedWe startsinging Bye-bye, miss American pieDrove my Chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dry Them good old boys were drink in whiskey and rye And singing, this’ll be the day that I dieThis’ll be the day that I die this’ll Oh, and there we were all in one placeA generation lost in spaceWith no time left to start again So come on: jack be nimble, jack be quickJack flash sat on a candlestickCause fire is the devils only friend.. Oh, and as I watched him on the stage My hands were clenched in fists of rageNo angel born in hellCould break that satins spell.And as the flames climbed high into the night To light the sacrificial rite I saw Satan laughing with delight The day the music died He was singing Bye-bye, miss American pieDrove my Chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dry Them good old boys were drink in whiskey and rye And singing, this’ll be the day that I dieThis’ll be the day that I die this’ll I met a girl who sang the blues And I asked her for some happy news But she just smiled and turned awayI went down to the sacred store Where Id heard the music years beforeBut the man there said the music wouldn’t play And in the streets: the children screamedThe lovers cried, and the poets dreamedBut not a word was spokenThe church bells all were broken And the three men I admire most: The father, son, and the holy ghostThey caught the last train for the coast The day the music died And they were singing Bye-bye, miss American pieDrove my Chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dry Them good old boys were drink in whiskey and rye And singing, this’ll be the day that I dieThis’ll be the day that I die this’ll He was singing Bye-bye, miss American pieDrove my Chevy to the leveeBut the levee was dry Them good old boys were drink in whiskey and rye And singing, this’ll be the day that I dieThis’ll be the day that I die this’ll。
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